Sunday, September 7, 2008


Just when I was thinking I didn't push myself of Friday, I woke up today with sore lats, and a sore right calf and hip muscles. I think I was only sore on my left side because my hip is now in proper alignment.

So today's WOD was fight gone bad. First time I've done it, so here's my score:

Round 1 2 3
Wall Ball 13 12 13
KB High Pull 26 14 2
Box Jump 17 20 13
Push Press 15 15 15
Row 14 11 11
Subtotal: 85 72 54
Total: 211

Because of the enormous class size today (28) we all started at different stations. I started on KB swings, and those 26 reps the first round took out all the leg strength I had. My partner, Lef, made a somewhat similar mistake with starting on the row. He started off with 35 calories on the row, and just couldn't catch his breath after that.

Today really was an awesome day, there were so many people in attendance. Sunday is the one day where the 5om class can meet up with the morning classes.

1 comment:

VADRMGRL said...

Hi Adam,
Thank you for your kind words yesterday. I was sad because I had gotten a low number, but what you said made me think twice about my score. See you at 5 pm!