Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snatch push press, chipper

The return to the snatch grip push press was welcomed, but after the shoulder-destroyer yesterday I should've known I wouldn't get a PR.

1 rep Snatch grip push press:


Today, like last week, I had issues figuring out the dip and drive. I was dipping too far down, to the point I was really losing power. I feel like the more I dip the more I engage my legs, and my legs are the strongest muscle group so that's a good thing, right?

Well, turns out there is a point where if you dip too much you will lose power, stemming from the large distance you have to travel to get that low dip. It doesn't seem intuitive to me, so I will have to work on finding my sweet spot where I engage the legs just enough to generate maximum power.

The chipper was pretty fun, got to do some more GHD's

1k row
40 GHD situps
200' walking lunges with bumper plate

My time here was 12:08, which was around the normal time, a vast improvement to usually being the last one in the group. I feel like this month has been good for me met-con wise, like everything is getting to be easier. I don't know if it's the programming or the hip muscles relaxing, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth right?

Saw Olga, and she's noticing a vast improvement in my muscles, they are all starting to release now. With the improvement I've decided to start seeing her everyother week, but if it gets bad I won't hesitate to call her up before the scheduled appointment.

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