Thursday, January 21, 2010

Interval training of GHD's, DU's and rowing

Tuesday was an interval workout, and I think I did much better than in the past. This was my score:

5 rounds
1 minute GHD
1 min rest
1 min Row
1 min rest
1 min Double Unders
1 min rest

Here's my score:

GHD: 25, 25, 22, 21, 20
Row: 290, 295, 275, 280, 294
DUs: 27, 22, 12 (Pain), 7, 21

Total: 113, 1434, 89

I'm happy about the consistency I had during this workout. Except for the DU's, there was a minimal fall off from the first round to the last round. Of course, this makes me question if I paced myself or if I really did give it my all for each round.

...Double Unders were tricky today, guess I'm rusty. I had a good run in the beginning, but then I kept whipping the top of my feet as well as my knuckles. The pain really slowed me down, as I had to stop and recover from a couple really good lashings I gave myself. For the last 3 rounds, I couldn't really string more than two or three together, and it didn't feel like it was from fatigue, but from lack of rhythm.

Melissa mentioned that the longer the rope, the more forgiving it can be. If you have a rope that barely clears your feet, then there's a small margin for error. Lucky me, the ropes at their longest seem to barely clear my feet. This might explain the rough learning curve: I've had to have great form from the get-go because of my height. I'm thinking about getting my own jump rope, but personally I'd rather just get really good technique :)

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