Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, a test day with Dry heaves

So yesterday was a day to test our abilities as athletes. It was suppose to test our 1) cardiac power output training and 2) lactate capacity training.

WOD (as Rx'd)

5 rounds
90 seconds clean and jerk (max reps) @ 155#
90 seconds rest
3 minutes to run 400m sprint (rest remainder)

I could not do the C+J because of my shoulder, so Jerry suggested I do KB swings. After the first round though, Jerry suggested I do box jumps so as to save my lower back. I felt absolutely fine, so I wanted to continue with the swings. Sadly, Jerry was right, my back tightened up as my form degraded as I got tired. So for the last three rounds I did box jumps. Here are my results:

27 KB swings, 1:33
33 KB Swings 2:08
26 Box Jumps 2:20
23 Box Jumps 2:23
21 Box Jumps 1:49

Not sure what these results mean with regards to my cardiac power output training and lactate capacity training, but hopefully I'll find out. The times on the running show a pretty drastic slow down. I mean, the third round was 50 seconds slower than the first one. It makes me feel like a Mustang GT with a .5 gallon tank: Really fast, but can't go very far.

Also, right before the last run I actually had a case of Daryl dry heaves, Pukie's less messy brother. I felt much better afterwards, so that might be why I ran 30 seconds faster than the previous round

Saw Dr. Bills yesterday, he felt around my shoulder and booya, found a ridiculously huge knot in my shoulder, one in the back that has escaped my attention. That spot is super sore this morning, which is in keeping with treating tendonitis (the massage breaks up the scar tissue, causes inflammation, which causes soreness). He said two more treatments and I should be able to get back into the mix next week.

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