Saturday, January 30, 2010

Are You Ready?

...Cause my body wasn't. My quads/hams/glutes were still sore from back squat day. Well, they're sore because I back squatted and did the extra jumping slamballs and lunges. Doing the extra was a big no-no, and believe me I've learned my lesson.

Despite the soreness, I wanted to workout today. Jerry came up with a workout called "Are you ready", and my legs were def not ready:

4 min max reps cl&J: 105w – 165M,
1min rest,
4min max rounds (every rep counts) 3 Pullups (C-2-B) + 3 burpees,
1min rest,
4min time limit 500m row followed by max double-unders. Total double-unders is your score.

For the clean and jerk, my first rep was off technique-wise. Because it is so heavy, my inclination was to pull it up with my arms. However, my shoulder said "Uh-uh you ain't doing that". Knowing the problem, for the second rep I had full hip extention and really didn't use the arms at all. The clean then became easy, but the jerk still does not come naturally for me. I have no rack whatsoever right now, I just hold it out next to my neck. This really started to wear me out, so on the last two attempts I tried to rack the bar on my shoulders before I jerked it. This wasn't a great idea, as I failed the last two attempts. ...Today I also used the push jerk instead of a split jerk, I think next time I'll just stick to the split. My total was 8.

Concerning the Pull ups/burbees, I've finally figured out how to do chest to the bar. I've had the strength, but not the technique. I think it was because I couldn't find the right grip, but I've finally figured it out now. I was so excited I think it slowed me down a bit, wanted to revel in the glory that was my success. I didn't just get one or two, but every pull up I got was chest to bar, and I had no failed attempt. However, I didn't get many rounds in, only 6 plus one pull up. Still, I'm happy with the success with the pull ups.

I started to find some sort of rhythm with the double unders, but I could only get 22.

All in all, I don't think this was a very good showing, but that's how crossfit works, it is what it is. I imagine my "bad" days were a lot worse a year ago, and I'm going to continue to improve, get stronger, and get faster.

And get better at double unders. Damnit.

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