Sunday, January 24, 2010

1 rep clean & jerk max

An Awesome day.

My top successful load was 185, but I was THIS CLOSE to getting 205. I cleaned it with minimal difficulty, but I missed the jerk park. The difficulty laid not in the lifting of the weight up, but in getting under the bar (typical, I know).

Today I tried the split jerk, and although I've been using the push jerk for a while, split has always come more natural to me. It seems like some people have trust issues with their body, that they'll be able to catch the bar in that position. For me, I have absolute faith in my legs, I find a strong position and I keep it there. My arms, however, are not as near as strong. On my last attempt, I tried to make up for the lack of getting under by pressing it out, and the bar hung there for a second, but I just couldn't do it. ....I just realised that if I could C&J 205, I'd be doing my bodyweight. That would be really cool.

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