Saturday, September 26, 2009


Well, last year for FGB III my score was 228, this year it was 246. So I didn't get anywhere near my goal of 300, but it is a 18 point improvement. Honestly, I'm not too happy with this score. I really would hope that after a year my fgb score would go up more than 18 points.

I was really surprised how tired my legs were near the end. I'd like to thank Sean for being there with me the whole time throughout the wod, he was very good at motivating me. I started off with box jumps, and I started out at a pace that was pretty incredible. I've never really figured out how to do box jumps quickly while keeping it up to the standard, until today. I managed to rep out 32 in the first round, but that really wore me out. The Push press was tough as usual, my legs were having issues getting my hips to move that bar up. Row was easy, but the KB high pulls and the wall balls just killed me today. I had no leg strength for hoisting the weight up, and I'm a little frustrated that I couldn't figure out a way to push through. With wall balls, I just felt like I had nothing in the tank for my shoulders. My legs could handle it, but my upper body was having a tough time keeping up. I don't know if I'm just mentally weak, but wods like fgb are really tough for me to improve upon.

Regardless, I'm happy to report that the shoulder and hip are feeling good, and maybe I'll get 300 next year. There's always next year.

EDIT: here is my score by round:
KB High Pull Box Jumps Push Press Row Wall Balls Total
1 25 32 24 15 22 118
2 11 17 13 12 14 65
3 12 17 10 15 9 63

1 comment:

Sean said...

I'm glad I could help you bro, the honor was all mine. I'm just glad your hip & shoulder are fine after all that!