Sunday, September 20, 2009

FGB prep, 5 rounds with 20 second rests

Today was another FGB variant. The WOD:

5 rounds 5 stations 40 seconds of work
on each station, 20 seconds for transition. Wallball, KB High Pull (70#), Box jump, Push Press (70#), and Row

My score was 301, a little less then what I was hoping for (350) I started out strong, as usual, but faded pretty damn quickly. I feel like my fading might be related to not having a strong mental game, I don't know. I definitely felt exhausted at the end of this, I tried getting up a couple of times after time was called and I just couldn't do it. I'm very interested to see how much improvement I've had since last year.

I really need to focus on using my legs on high pulls, as I fatigue I started to use my back a little more, and that ended up not feeling so great. It affects my push press as with pp I have difficulty keeping proper posture, I arch my back, and it is painful. Wall balls are painful as usual, mostly because of my hip.

As I sat down after this wod, I thought about how much pain I was in, and I realized it doesn't have to be this way if I get surgery. I was already mentally prepared for getting it, but now I'm starting to really looking forward to it.

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