Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Last catch up post, Tuesday's Push Press

Tuesday the WOD was:

Push press: 3,3,3,1,1,1,1

I knew better than to push the shoulder, but the pain free hang cleans excited me to try doing some work, so I did 3-4 sets of 5 reps of 95. On the last round, I felt the ghost of a something-not-right feeling in my shoulder, so I stopped.

On one hand I was sad to stop, on the other hand I was happy I could do something like this. There wasn't any pain or numbness afterwards, I think I stopped at a great time. ...I can't wait to get this shoulder fixed, I see the doc again next Thursday or Friday.

On another note, I will be getting my second and hopefully final MRI Monday, where I will have contrast injected into my hip joint. Not really looking forward to the procedure, but very much looking forward to information it will provide.

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