Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thursday and Badger on Friday

Thursday was a tough workout. Appearently it was set up a little differently for the morning class, but I think everyone was ready to go home early so it was modified to be a little tougher, but not as prolonged. The WOD:

5 rounds
250m row
10 box jumps
10 barbell snatch (85#)
10 slam ball
10 burbees
20 abmat

I managed to do it in 25:31, but man this was tough. I think one of the benefits of working out every day is that my body is starting to really "get it" with regards to engaging my core muscles. On a related note I think one reason why I haven't progressed in strict chin strength like I expected is because I now use a kip that relies more on core strength than lat strength to get up to the bar.

But I digress, I really think these past five days of crossfit have already made a difference in my use of the core muscles. I've already noticed a difference in the appearance of my abs, which is freaking awesome. However, I'm finding that the down side of constantly engaging your core muscles when they aren't use to it is a sense of imminent puking while working out. I'm not complaining, rather, I think this is a good thing because it shows me that I'm using my core not like I have in the past, but like I should from now on.

However, the sensation is taking some getting used to. On Thursday I felt my core muscles twitching around my stomach, just waiting to completely crush my stomach, resulting in me up-chucking its contents. It was a horrible feeling that started after the second round. Not wanting to puke, I slowed down a little, but not too much. What I am happy about is that I continued to rely on my core strength during the workout and not on my hip flexor strength, despite the sensation.

Friday's workout.

Friday was my old friend Badger. I've attempted this workout twice before, once in June and again in August. Both times I did not do it Rx'd. Here is how I did:

June (first post injury workout)

Two rounds
30 squat clean (45#)
20 pull ups
800m run
32 minutes - 16 min per round

August (first week back from 2 week vacay)
Three rounds
30 squat cleans (75#)
30 pull ups (this is when I tore up my hands)
800m run
61:23 - 20:28 per round

Three rounds
30 squat cleans (90#)
30 pull ups
800m run
53:14 - 17:45 per round

So that's an improvement of 8:09 while increasing the weight of the squat clean by 15#s in two months. Another way to look at it is that my squat clean went up by 50 lbs, squat clean endurance went up 33%, and my pull-up endurance went up 44% in four months. All in all I'm happy with the improvement.

Now that I've finally done badger Rx'd, I'll get an even better comparison the next time I do it. Like Thursday's workout, the whole time I felt like I was going to puke; I've never had such a sensation before. It felt like there was a towel tied around my stomach, and every once in a while it would suddenly tighten, as if someone had jerked one of the ends of the knot of the towel. Guess this is what happens when you start using your core in every single exercise like you should.

1 comment:

lin.k said...

That's some seriously crazy improvement! Congrats! I've managed to miss every single Badger. Maybe that's why my core sucks. Back to planks.