Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My 100th Post

Yesterday's WOD was a nightmare. I focused on my greatest weakness, upper body press.

1000m run
21 Hand stand pushups
21 ring dips
21 push ups
800m run
15 ring dips
15 push ups
400m run
9 Ring dips
9 push ups

I'd call this one Achilles because 1) it would take a Greek hero to do this with ease (or Stacey) and 2) it focuses on the Achilles heel of my fitness. This was as about as tough as I expected. The run was really nice, I finished the 1000m ahead of everyone else, which felt awesome. I still can't do a HSPU, the best I can do is like a half of one. However, I'm getting better and better at doing shrugs while freestanding, without help from a wall. I managed to get all 21 ring dips the first time, but I was so spent that I had to just get negatives for the last two rounds. Pushups, surprisingly, were the easiest of the three. I tried a slightly wider stance so I could use more pec and less tricep.

I'm extremely excited that I can now attend crossfit at 5pm for all five weekdays. I swear I can already see a difference. To see how much of a difference this will make, here's a comparison

Working out SMWF:

16 workouts a month (4 weeks/28 days)

12 restdays

$12.32 a class

Working out SMTWTF:

24 workouts a month

4 restdays
$8.21 a class

This will increase the number of times I workout per four weeks by 33% and lower my class cost average by about the same amount. More importantly, I think this will make a huge difference in increasing my performance because outside of crossfit I do nothing. Meaning, I have a deskjob, I don't play a sport (for now) and I don't go to the pto gym because I don't know what will be coming up the next day. That reminds me, I should cancel my gym membership sometime soon.

This increase won't just make me stronger, but it will expose me to much more opportunities to work on my technique as well as measure my fitness. For example, last week and three weeks ago Jerry had us work on our max clean and jerk, but because it was done on a Thursday, the 5p class never had that experience.

The reasons for the combining of classes is related to Jerry getting his new gym, and it got me to thinking: what will it be like with no blue room? Here's some differences I've thought about:

1. Will no longer have to take off my shoes, will lower my badger time

2. Will have fixed pull up bars, which should lead to a faster time on badger, fran, etc.

3. We will have back squat capability.

This also touches on something else I've been thinking about. Although I love crossfit, I feel like I should try something else out in addition to xfit. Crossfit is to get yourself into the best shape of your life, but a sport/activity lets you put your althetic-ness to work. I've thought about joining Jiu-jistsu, but I'm also interested in seeing how rusty my soccer skills are, or maybe try out something else. Whatever the case, I'm starting to look for ways to put my new strength to work.

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