Thursday, November 13, 2008

Upgrading from Mildly Insane to Full Out Psycho

Alright, I'm now learning what happens when you start attending crossfit classes 5 days in a row. After yesterday's workout, I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it sure as hell wasn't Fight Gone Bad. This was a tough one for me mentally. Here's my score:

Wall ball 26, 11, 8, 7, 10
High pull 20, 18, 10, 10, 8
Box Jump 18, 15, 23, 11, 14
Push press 10, 12, 8, 10, 10
500 m 8, 10, 10, 9, 15

5 round total: 311, 3 round total: 207. Can't say I'm too happy with this one, but that's how I fared. I don't want to start making excuses, but my shoulders were shot from the 100 hand stands yesterday, making the push press really tough. However, I noticed that 75#s felt really, really light. I just didn't have any shoulder strength today. More importantly though, I think I was defeated before I began. I was just feeling groggy/tired/just not with it. I wouldn't say I had a negative mindset, but it wasn't positive, just tired. There was only one point were I felt mentally "there" and it was the last half of the last round of box jumps. I think since this was five rounds I just wasn't pushing it in an effort to pace myself.

My whole upper body is sore, as well as my quads from all those burbees yesterday. Oh yeah that's another thing. Yesterday Jerry helped me out with my burpees. He showed me how to correctly go from the plank to what I'll call "frog stance". I was originally going to something like a pike when I jumped my feet up from the plank, bending at the hip and folding myself in half. In this stance I only use my back to extend up to the jump. Now I keep my hips low when I jump, enabling me to use my legs to power up for the jump. I get more hops now, but it works the quads a lot more. Thanks for the tips Jerry, I really am trying to dial in on technique for every exercise we do, from burpees to overhead snatch.

Alright, time for bed; gotta get ready for tomorrow's workout.

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