Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Onion skin ( PR!) and yesterday's workout

Guess I'll start off with yesterday's workout:

three rounds for time of:
21 Knees to elbows
21 Kettlebell swing
21 Push-ups
21 Rope Pullups
21 Box jump
21 Good Mornings
150 ft Walking Lunge

My time was 52:02, not the quickest time by any means. I knew this was going to be a tough one because of the rope pull ups. They simply tore up my forearm muscles, the last set I was knocking them out only one at a time. Everything else seemed pretty easy meaning I didn't have to break up a set. Ever since we did Helen, I now know I can do 21 kb swings without stopping. Knowing that, I've been able to push through those times when I want to rest. As I'm finding out how strong I've become, I'm getting better and better at pushing myself even more (more on that later).

The Knees to elbows were fun the first two rounds, but I was really feeling it the last round, wanted to kip so bad! The box jumps were really, really short, so I only needed to use my calf muscles to launch myself up there, so I was pretty damn fast since I never had to step off; I would just jump off, land, and then jump back up. Push ups sucked as usual, and now that I think about it I had to break them up each set, SO ANNOYING! Ah well, with time it will come I suppose. The good mornings were a little tricky, I've felt a bit of a strain on my back last week, and I tried to pay close attention to my lower back so as to not aggrevate it again. This exercise really forces me to open up my hips, which I imagine is a good thing. The lunges were no biggie, but next time I'll try to do them faster.

Today we did "Onion Skin"

5 rounds
max reps strict press (Rx'd at 85)
max pullups

Last time I did this was August 18th, where I did 48 reps with 75 lbs and 54 chins. Today was somewhat better, here's how I performed:

Pull ups: 27, 13, 3, 16, 10 = 69
Strict @ 85: 12, 8, 8, 6, 4 = 38

For the strict press, my reps went down by ten, but the weight went up by ten. On the last one I also hit my head, and although it wasn't hard it did through off my focus.

For the pull ups, I went for a PR, and lo and behold I got it. I'm thinking I'm going to start trying to meet the crossfit standard and always go chest to bar. I mean, it is the standard, and it will get me stronger, right? I'm thinking about waiting until we move into the new place with fixed bars, but I might not wait. ...My bigest problem is getting a good grip on the bar. I think I don't place my hand high enough on the bar, because it really feels like there are eight pebbles being jammed into my hand, and the pain really is a distraction. For example, on the third round I did three, but just had to let go because of the pain in my hands. I don't have any torn calluses, it's simply... pain.

Moving on, I'd like to point out that every time I've attempted a PR this past week or so, I've hit it. It really helps to have a goal, and to know full well your prevous score. That is really starting to provide me with motivation. It's simply been very tough for me to remember my previous performances, but when I do, I notice I do that much better. Now that I'm noticing this and have found my motivation, I think I will really start seeing some results.

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