Sunday, November 16, 2008

high reps workout

This was a really difficult WOD today, completely wore me out. Here it is, although I might have mixed something up:

25 pull ups
50 hang clean jerk
50 burbees
50 wall ball sit ups
50 box jumps
50 push ups
25 pull ups

I did it in 45:01, one of the longest times of the day. At first I wasn't too happy with this, I feel like I should have somehow pushed myself harder. However, I have to remind myself of where i was four months ago. I remember when I couldn't string more than 15 push ups together, and here I basically did 100 today.

The pull ups weren't difficult, found a good grip early on so I did it in like two sets. The hang clean jerk really worked my core, I put it down a lot more than I'd like to admit, but after a first set of ten I broke it down to reps of 5. I think next time I really need to tell myself to just suck it up and do it. The burbees were awful as usual, my anterior deltoids were numb from use, but I'm starting to get the hang of getting my hips down to power my jump up. The wall balls weren't really hard on my abs, but trying to throw the ball against the wall after the burbees was really hard, felt like I would do the sit up, and then just try to flick the ball to the wall with my wrist. The box jumps took a while, I need to figure out a way to hurry up the dismount, feel like I spend too much time stepping down to the ground. By the time I got to push ups I had recovered some, so I got to bang out 15 at once, but the rest after that were pretty brutal. Got the pull ups in like three sets, I felt like I did a good job on pushing through on this one.

...My plan after the workout was to go home, shower, take a nap, then laundry, but I've come to learn that they've shut off the water main for repairs for the fourth time in the past six weeks. Looks like I'll just have to do laundry tomorrow or Tuesday, and hopefully I can find a place to shower soon.

1 comment:

Cara said...

It was great to work out with you yesterday! You got the work out right. Brutal - eh?