Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween in Bloomington Indiana

So I decided to go as a Prom Date Ken doll for this Halloween. To keep this somewhat xfit relevant, I thankfully avoided most of the zone-unfriendly candy that was lying around at the various parties. ...I also really impressed some people at one party by doing like 10 chin ups. There was a chin up bar in one of the doorjambs, so I just grabbed a hold and started doing them. Now that I think about it, there really was like a cheering section. I don't know if they were making fun of me, but I was just too tipsy to really care.

I really do think about some day starting up a gym in Bloomington (or Madrid). I would worry about turnover rate running a gym in a college town, but I imagine there would be a lot of grad students out there who would love it (I assume undergrads are too young and caught up in the weight lifting mentality, perhaps incorrectly).

I also had a dream the other night about crossfit. Jerry was holding a special event/wod to rasie money for charity, and part of it involved running across town, like in a marathon. In my dreamI was running as hard as I could, and my form was real low and I felt like I was kicking the ground, as if I was pushing or pulling a heavy load.

Even though my trip back to Indiana only cost me two days in the blue room, I can't wait for tomorrow to get one step closer to getting into better shape.

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