Monday, November 10, 2008

Max power clean

Well today was max power clean, we warmed up and then tried 1 rep 7 times. I got up to 185, but it wasn't pretty. Although I've never found my max before, the heaviest I've hang cleaned before today is 150 lbs three times about a month ago. Can't really compare the results, but I definitely think it's an improvement, and I know I can go heavier.

My technique wasn't perfect, I was having some difficulty with keeping my stance, not moving my feet. I also think I started too light today, but now that I have an idea of how strong I am I'll be better able to push myself.

We also had a gasser afterwards, it felt good:
10 minutes AMRAP
7 med ball squat cleans 20# ball
7 push ups

Think I got 13 rounds in, maybe 12. Jerry kept telling me to lower my hips, so I think I was trying to use my back on the light weight. I think after a while I got my hips down, and I really tried to emphasize the hip extension to shrug, resulting in a weightless med ball.

Today reminded me of how important it is to know my personal records, so I've decided to post them here now. Now I know that almost none of them are actual 1 rep max, but that's because I've yet to find out. If I've forgotten any exercise let me know.

front squat
150 (3 rep max) done on 9/13/2008

hang power clean
185 (1 rep max) done on 11/10/2008

squat clean
90 (30 times w/ Badger) done on 11/70/08

clean and jerk
165 (1 rep max) done on 10/30/2008

265 lbs (strained my back on this one) done on 7/13/2008

overhead snatch
95 (5 rep max) done on 9/26/2008

ring dips
5 reps 9/17/2008

pull ups
16 reps 9/6/2008

Strict press
95 9/3/2008

Jerry also talked to me about one more thing that's affecting my technique: my confidence. To be honest, I'm simply not used to being this strong. It's a little tough wrapping my mind around the fact that what was once tough might be easy. I just need to get aggressive, to take that weight and make it mine, to own it.

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