Thursday, November 6, 2008

Max Effort, third day in a row of Crossfit

Thankfully, there was no press movement today:

5 rounds:

Weighted Chins
Max effort x 5
Front squat x Max reps

My best effort with the chin ups was 5 reps with a 20lb weight vest, and I got 55 reps of 115 lbs. I felt like I've gotten a lot weaker, but I think this is all me expecting more from myself. When I compare this to when we first did this workout about four months ago, I see that I've gotten stronger, albeit only slightly. Back then my best chin was 5 reps with 12lbs, and although I started banging out 10 reps of 135lbs, after the second round I had to drop to 95 lbs. So I have improved, but I am surprised at how little I've increased. But I also know that I've improved in technique as well as conditioning, and those needed more improvement then my outright strength.

Speaking of technique, Jerry made a great point about front squats and keeping one's core tight. The abs, when kept tight, work like a biological weight belt. When you hit the bottom of the squat, you should be able to use your core to start your drive back up. Near the end I just couldn't focus enough on finish out more reps. Again, it's that mental part that's giving me trouble. However, I'm sure with time and practice this stuff will become second nature, and then I can start focus on other things, like getting stronger.


Jerry Hill said...

Good to see you more often!

Katie said...

Patience grasshopper!!! Strength is not built overnight... keep in mind all the improvements you have made. When you started, could you do any chins at all? What was your form like? How heavy were your first thrusters? We live in a fast paced society, true, but sometimes we all need to slow down, smell the flowers, and think of all the good things that have come to us...

Adam said...

Jerry, Trust me, you will now see me in the blue room all the time.

Katie, Didn't mean to come off like I'm unhappy with my progress so far, I was just surprised I couldn't do 5 reps of chins with heavier weight. I know I'm getting stronger, faster, better endurance, etc. I know I've only been crossfitting for 14 weeks now, and that's only like 48 crossfit sessions. Thankfully, the next 14 weeks will be like 77 sessions.