Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mildly insane today with a PR

Ok, we had two options, option A:

10 rounds for time
12 deck-squat slam balls
12 chins
12 burpees

And here is option B, the "psycho" version:

5 rounds for time
25 inverted burpees
25 pull ups
25 burpees

I really want to improve my handstand, so when I learned that an inverted burpee is a deck-squat to a handstand, I decided to do the psycho version. This was tough, as expected. I had trouble getting active shoulder when I try the hand stand. However, near the end I think I started to get it; I know I nailed it once because Jerry spotted me doing it correctly and gave some much inspiring applause. Here's a picture from crossfit.com to demonstrate an inverted burpee:

The high point, other than that moment, was during the first round I got 23 pull ups in a row, a new pr and a 7 rep increase from two months ago. During the third round my anterior deltoids started feeling numb with burpees, but this was to be expected since my shoulder strength needs a lot of improvement.

After the third round, my left knee really started to hurt from it not tracking correctly when performing the deck-squat. I couldn't figure out how to fix it, and knee pain scares me, so I just did 25 Hand stands instead. Without the squat part, this became pretty easy, and I think I started to really get it. Lanette advised that I try jumping into a handstand. Well, not jumping exactly, more like a mini-hop. I tried it once, but it was a little too foreign for me to try out in the middle of such a workout. For those of you like me interested in learning how to progress to the freestanding handstand pushup, here is a great website that teaches you how to get progress to ful freestanding handstand.

I ended up doing 4 rounds in 61:23, with the nerfing of the inverse burbee for the last round. I might have bitten off more than I can chew, but I'm glad that I tried, and I would've done a fifth round if the next class hadn't started.

1 comment:

Cara said...

Congrats on the PR!!!!