Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The face that launched a thousand ships...

Today was a fun day, mostly because I feel like I found the motivation to push myself. We had a really extensive warm up, working on push jerk, push press, etc. The most productive part for me was sitting in the bottom of a squat for 20 seconds 4 times. Lately I've started feeling some pain in my knee, and I think it comes from tracking problems. Danny helped me figure out that I tend to bend my knees every slightly inward, making them support weight. This is an exercise I definitely need to keep doing, because the last thing I need to do is hurt my knees.

...One thing I realized today is I easily get annoyed with myself. I expect to nail all the exercises, and when I don't nail it (and I can usually tell right away when I don't) I get a little frustrated with myself. Jerry noticed a problem with my push press and gave some great advice; I think my annoyance with myself might have come off like I was annoyed with his help, which is far from the case. So mental note Adam: whenever you mess up (and you will) just take it for what it is, learn from it, and move on.

Ok, now that I got that out of my system, today was the benchmark Helen:

3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 KB swings 52#
12 pull ups

I was glad we did had a long warmup, because it was FREEZING outside. I did all of the KB swings unbroken, my main motivation was Harold's post of how he didn't break up his sets. I figured, "if he could do it, so can I." However, I did break up the pull-ups into two sets, why I don't know because I should be strong enough to do it straight through. Finished in 14:43, just a hair before Justin finished. Trying to beat Justin became my second motivation of the workout, and it helped me bang out those last few pull ups. Now, Justin will tell you that HE finished first, but I didn't see it, and I never heard him yell "Time!", so I'm just going to go with the assumption that I won that race.


Terry (kettlebellguy.com) said...

Adam, I just came across your blog and have enjoyed reading it. I try to do the same thing by tracking each days workout and my progress in my blog.

It looks like you are making great progress. I will be checking your blog often.


Adam said...

Thanks Terry!

I'm always happy to hear that there are other people besides myself that find this blog interesting.

Sometimes I feel like I'm just standing still with regards to improving my fitness, but now that I'm paying more attention to my pr's I should have a better gauge of my progress.

Again, thanks for posting and reading!