Saturday, November 15, 2008

Awesome workout today

Today's workout played to my strengths, running and overhead snatch.

Five rounds for time of:
Hang Power Snatch, 15 reps (95#)
Run 400 meters

First round I did in a little over 4 minutes, but wasn't able to keep pace. The first round i did the snatch in 15 straight, the following rounds I broke it up 5-5-5. I think today I really did a good job of pushing myself, and got the wod done in under 30 min. Overhead snatch really is my best move. I can create such a violent pull on the bar that I really don't even have to lower my hips much in order to get under the bar. My traps are my strongest muscle, and I can explode off of the pull, make the bar fly up, and wham, the bar is above my head. I think I jinxed myself talking about no longer having a sore core, because I felt like I was going to puke from the overhead snatch. Jerry mentioned that the core muscles make a biological weight belt, that the muscles wraping around my stomach suppor the spine and if I keep them tight I can rely on them to push through the bottome part of a squat. Well, it feels like this biological belt was one notch too tight, lightly squeezing my stomach, ready to completely constrict at any moment.

Sometimes I look at my time and think I could have done better, but I am happy with this time, I really do think I pushed, although I'm sure I could've pushed harder :)

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