Saturday, August 23, 2008

Badger 1.5

After out for six weeks with the rotator cuff injury, the first exercise I did was Badger. Well, I don't know if I can actually say I did Badger back then. Back then it was for 2 rounds, 20 chins, and 45 lb squat cleans in 32 min. Now it's the first week of coming back from a two week vacay, and it's Badger again.

Badger as perscribed:
3 rounds
800 m run
30 squat cleans (Men 90 lbs, Women 65 lbs)
30 pull ups

Today I still didn't do it Rx'd because I was afraid the 90lbs would give me trouble with my hip. I found that if I do absolutely perfect form with squat cleans and really focus on using my abs, my hip wasn't bothered. I figured it would be easier to do it perfectly if I use a lighter weight, so I did Badger with 75 lbs. Also, I didn't "run" the 800 meters, I forced myself to only jog while really focusing on keeping my abs tight.

Jogging wasn't difficult, and my squat clean form was a lot better, thanks to the progressions Jerry had us do before the WOD. I can't imagine anyone starting out crossfit on their own. I really feel like I'm dialing in on technique, and once my technique tree is big and strong I can improve everything else.

All in all I did it in 61:23. Definitely not the fastest of times, mostly because the last round of pullups was brutal, not becuase of fatigue, not because of endurance, but because four calluses on my hand ripped. I taped up, but every time I grabbed the chin up bar this shock of pain shot through my hand, and I could only bang them out 1-2 at a time. I think I single-handedly inspired Jerry to comment that he'll send out a message about hand maintenence this week.
One of the various problems that happen when I come back from a break of crossfit: ripped calluses.


Katie said...

Nice work on Badger! Badger is not an easy workout to do. Welcome back... ;)

Adam said...

Thanks Katie! It's good to be back.