Sunday, August 31, 2008


This workout was a favorite of Navy Lt. Michael Murphy:

For time:

1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Today was an interesting day, I thought the Sunday class starts at 9:30, so I showed up late. I walked in, and everyone was already working out. ...I really wanted to do this workout, so I looked at the gym clock (9:38) and started my mile run. Done with that, I just kind of snuck in and started the gym part. The new grip helped out with the pull-ups, I really like the new kip my pull-up sensai Danny is teaching me. It's more fun than work, but it takes a lot of ab strength. It was a little strange being the last one, I mean I closed the crossfit gym. Lt. Col. Dan and others were spraying the gym down, and I'm doing pull-ups and pushups. I finished it all with the gym clock reading 10:46, so I did it in 68 min. This was a lot easier than I thought it would be, although the chins at the end were really rough, had to bang them out 2-3 at a time.

You can see my attempt at the new kip near the end of the video found here.

1 comment:

keturah said...

Adam, Danny is always trying to convert someone to his kipping pull ups. It was great watching you finish to the end.