Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wed, clean work

Jerry had us work on the first two pulls of the clean. This was a good thing, as I was thinking of the clean as a deadlift-shrug. This meant that once the bar passed my knees I would lock my knees. This is pretty much the opposite of what needs to happen: after the bar clears the knees, there should be a re-bend in preparation of the jump/hip thrust that is the clean. I thought the torso needed to be more diagonal than it should be. When the weight reaches mid thigh, it looks like you should be at around 60 degrees. You don't have as far to move the hips, but you're more in a jumping position, which is what the clean is all about. Didn't really go up to a heavy weight, I wanted to nail it with a light weight before anything else, and near the end I think I started to get it.

...Worked on muscle ups after wards, but my arms are so sore from Monday's workout I was pretty useless. I'm starting to get jumping muscle ups, now i need to just keep raising the rings and eventually I should be able to get one. ...I still think I can get one by the end of next week.

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