Saturday, February 20, 2010

Muscle up workout I couldn't do

Ok, the fact I can't stick a mu is starting to bother me. The fact that I have done one before is really starting to bother me. I've started working on mu transitions randomly before the wod, I'm having trouble pushing my head through (like everyone else), and having the strength to push myself up from a low dip. Still, I've been unable to get an MU again, and I think it will require me working on transitions more, like I did last year.

So I had to do the non MU wod today:

6 rounds
10 pull-ups
20 push-ups
30 air squats

The last day I had worked out was last Tuesday, so this was a good wod to get back into the swing of things. I tried to get the pull ups unbroken, but I had to break them up at least in the end. I've really worked on making sure that I pull my head completely over the bar, and when I can do 15 of those easily I'm going to try to move on to chest to the bar. There is something wrong with my kip though, a couple of times now I've been told to push away, but I'm not sure what they're talking about. Back in the blue room Jerry never worked on the kip, and now that I'm a "vet" I guess it's assumed I know what I'm doing.

The push ups felt easier. However near the end I started to feel that numbing pain of tendonitis, it made me consider cutting the wod short, but it never really got bad, it was just a hint of... feeling. Like I can feel something going on, but it's not really pain, but I've quickly learned that it's the precursor to pain. I'll make an appointment with Dr. Bills to work on it.

I thought the squats were easy, although Melissa told me I wasn't getting proper depth. Using an elevated med ball (I'm too tall for just a med ball) and made sure to touch it with every rep. It didn't feel any different, but it made Melissa happy, and that makes me happy.

My total time was 23:39. I noticed I was again one of the last ones to finish in the class, and I'm not too happy about that. I think I need to find that motivation again, that pressure to get every rep done ASAP. It's just not in my nature to do things quickly. I mean, for goodness sake, it takes me like two hours to wake up, have breakfast, and get to work.

I think if there was a time cut off, some looming danger if I don't get it done quickly, it would help. Earlier this month we were doing an AMRAP wod and Mellisa said the first one to put down the KB would have to do burbees. That's real motivation. I also remember the wod where if you broke up your pull ups you had to do burbees, and I didn't brake up a single set.

But if the motivation is to simply get it done as quickly as possible, I don't seem to do so well. Obviously, I need to change that, I need to make some incentives on my own that will light a fire under my ass.

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