Friday, February 26, 2010

Intro to Josh

Wednesday we did Josh, which is similar to the first WOD we did at the MAC hopper challenge, where instead of pushup/burbees we do pull ups:

21 OHS, 42 pull ups
15 OHS, 30 pu's
9 OHS, 18 pu's

I remember the OHS being very tough on my hip/legs, not to mention it took me 15 minutes to get about halfway done with the MAC workout. Needless to say, I was a little intimidated.

However, I think I did really, really well for this workout. I never needed to break up the OHS's, and I did them very quickly, especially the last set. My time was 13:03.

To think that I finished Josh faster than I could do half of the MAC workout amazes me. It makes me realize a couple of things:
  1. The work on my hip has helped tremendously
  2. I have gotten a lot stronger as a result
  3. My shoulders are getting stronger
  4. My pull is waaaay stronger than my push
Gotta feel good about all that. However, I really could do only four pull ups at a time, which is a little embarrassing. Part of the problem is finding a rhythm with my kip. Actually, I think there is something missing in my kip. There's a body weight seminar this Sunday, and I've signed up for it. I think there will be an opportunity there for me to really improve in lots of exercises, but the one I want to improve the most is my pull up. It's such a fundamental exercise, if I can't regularly bang out sets of 10 then I feel like it's a huge problem.

Great day, shows I have made a lot of progress, but I have so much farther to go.

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