For Wednesday, the WOD was:
1000m run
40 ab mat
30 med ball squat clean
20 push ups
10 pull ups.
repeat as needed.
The first time was surprisingly easy, the roughest part was definitely the run. When I woke up on Wednesday the first thing I thought was, "wow my legs are still hurting, and I'm just lying in bed!" I tried my best to sprint using the pose method, have no idea if I'm doing it correctly, I'm just trying to avoid striking the ground with my heal.
Once I got back into the blue room I burned through the rest, although the squat cleans were EXCRUCIATING. The one thing I wish I could have done was make the pull-ups in one set, but I had to let go after eight. ...My push ups are getting easier, I did all 20 at once, and I felt like I'm starting to get them at "crossfit speed". All total I did it with the clock reading 9:48, I could have sworn that when some one called time at 10:XY Jerry called out 9:XY, so I'm not sure if I did it in 9:48 or 8:48
Stacey, the mean person that she is ;), pressured me to do it again. The second time sucked much, much more, especially the squat cleans. I did that in 11:19.
Then there was the MaKimba workout:
15-10-5 reps of
20lb dumbell thruster
air squats
I returned the favor and got Stacey to do this with me. I kinda wished I hadn't. Chriss blazed through it in 2:36. 2:36!! Amazing. I was the last one to finish, so I had the pleasure of Jerry watching me and telling me to lower my hips more for the thrusters/squats. I knew full well that I wasn't hitting it: I just simply didn't care anymore, my legs were in too much pain.
I feel like my burbees are getting better, like my pushups, I feel like I'm getting better at bringing my feet back to my hands, I think of as bringing my hips up, pulling my legs to my chest. Jerry commented that I seemed quite fleet of foot for someone 6'3", made my day.
Now about this Makimbo case. If you weren't already aware,
Makimba Mimms just won a $300k lawsuit against a trainer/gym for injuries occured when performing a crossfit workout.
I'm not worried about this with regards to crossfit legal-wise. For one, it really doesn't set a precedent because it's a trial level court. I highly doubt the decision will even be published. Secondly, the case will likely be appealed, and the settlement will probably be reduced, like in the
infamous MacDonalds hot coffee case. Personallly, I wonder if Makimba had a pre-existing condition making the case apply the
eggshell skull doctrine.
Last night, I was actually thinking about trying to attend the 7:30 class. But I couldn't get to sleep until like 2, and my legs were so sore I decided to turn off the alarm clock and just wake up when I'm no longer tired, which was around 10:30. I figured this would let my body recover as much as it could. (my legs are still really sore as I type this)
I really do wish I could attend the t-th classes, I feel like I'm only getting half of the benefits. Like I look up what they wod was, and I then wish I could've found my strict/deadlift/clean and jerk max. Oh well, perhaps next week....