Wednesday, October 29, 2008

There is no Spoon

So today's WOD was termed "baseline". I should note that with the first round I messed up and did the air squats after the ab mat, doh!

500 m row
40 air squats
30 ab mat
20 push ups
10 pull ups

Although Jerry suggested doing it twice if your time was under 4 min, I went ahead and did three rounds because, well, because I'm a glutton for punishment. I think my times were something like 7:06, 8:24, and 6:53. When I figured out the time for my last round, I was astounded that I improved my time. I mean, my row the third round took like 2 min, 30 sec more than my first round. I talked to Jerry about this, he mentioned that for me now it's all mental, and I have to agree with him. Those seconds I spend sucking air don't help me rocover, all they do is waste time. I guess with that last round I just sucked it up and did it, and that will be the key for my continuation in improvement. Every now and then I get glimpses of what it's like to just ignore the pain and to push through, to simply not feel the exaustion and just go through the motions.

I really am going to try to attend the Tus Thur classes, even though they are only at unGodly hours. I think stepping up to crossfit 5-6 times a week will also help push me over the edge. It's been about four months of crossfit now, it's well past time to start doing this more than 3-4 times a week.

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