Sunday, October 12, 2008

Skill day today

Today we worked on squat cleans. We spent about 30 minutes working on progressions. I thought I was doing a pretty good job, but racking the weight was a little bit of a problem. I just couldn't get under the bar fast enough. After the progressions, we hit the WOD:

for time, 75 squat clean thrusters

I have to admit, I thought this was going to be a lot easier than what it was. I tried starting out with 95, and after two reps I realized that wasn't going to happen. So I lowered the weight to 75 lbs, but it still wasn't easy. I felt like just wasn't hitting it right. I was going too low, letting my core relax. So I tried tightening up the core, but it still didn't feel right. After around 50, my back started tightening up. I started using a narrower grip, and that really helped get under the bar. However, I was still experiencing a tight back. ...As I look at this picture I feel like I just look akward, my grip looks way too wide, making it hard to get my elbows in the right place; I'd also like to add that I must have been in the process of racking the weight, I always keep the bar resting on my shoulders. (At least, I hope so...)
After rep 62 Danny figured out what was working my back. I'm still having trouble racking the weight and keeping my elbows up. This means I'm leaning forward slightly, so my lower back has to compensate. I figured to lighten the weight and then try it, but Jerry said I should stop, as I was just too tired. I have to agree, I think trying to do more would end with bad results. So I ended at 62 reps in like 18 min. I'll admit I feel a little defeated, but this just takes some more practice and I'll be able to bang it out.

1 comment:

Cara said...

It was great to finally meet you - and no worries, you'll hit it right, most likely in the near future :-)