Saturday, October 11, 2008

Improving, keep improving

So today's WOD was a tough one, I heard Jerry had the earlier classes do row, but took that out for the 5p class because there was a seminar at 6. Pity, since I love the row. For time:

21-15-9 reps
KB high pull 70#
push ups
TGU 30#
jumping lunges 30#

I think I did it in 38:48, although Jerry hasn't posted the times yet. The TGU's definitely slowed me down, I haven't done them in a long, long time (seems like they occur during tues-Thurs) and I know it's been like 4 months now but I'm still timid with the shoulder. I feel like everything else, except the burbees, wasn't a problem. My pushup strength has definitely improved, I banged out 21 in one set.

Stacey, as usual, really helped me with this one. We were talking about the differences in our strength, her being one to the top atheletes at CFOT (according to me) and me progressing very rapidly (according to her). I think my progress, if anything, comes from the almost boring observance of the zone diet. My roomates have talked about how I eat the same stuff everyday, but I don't see the act of eating as something to be enjoyed, I see it as something to make you able to feel good/enjoy life, and the zone definitely contributes to that.

1 comment:

Cara said...

Hmmm - as a member of the earlier class, we didn't row!

And good for you on the Zone!