Thursday, July 23, 2009

Snatch one rep max

This was going to be my rest day, but when I saw we were working on the snatch I couldn't help myself. Went through the progression and then got a 125 snatch, which is 10 pounds more than the last time we did this in May. I know I have the strength to do way more, but my technique needs quite a bit of work, especially transitioning from the first pull to the second pull. I also jump back a bit more than I should, which carries the bar behind me just enough to not really catch it correctly.

Shoulders felt good afterwards, seems like the snatch doesn't affect them. Really am kind of excited at the thought of no longer having pain in my hip, and if I really do have tendonitis in my shoulders and elbows, some rest could do me some good. Just have to see what the doc says.

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