Monday, July 13, 2009

Back squat 1 rep max

Wow, I really need to work on core tension.

I watched the video of my last attempt, I hit the bottom tight, but then relaxed on the way up. Despite this, I still finished the rep, so my max is 275. Keeping a tight core is so unatural for me, but it's so key for me to take it to the next level. At work I keep catching myself sitting there with a relaxed core, and that sh*t just don't fly anymore.

Lately I've been feeling like I'm not as dedicated as I once was. I can't point to anything in particular, but I guess I'm not as driven to keep improving my diet as well as my mastery of movements. I'm still strict zoning, and I've recently gone back to the 4-4-2-2-4 because for some reason I no longer as hungry as I once was (go figure).

However, I'm still consuming beans and oats, so I'm still not paleo (no other bread or sugars, however). Also, I've been spotty with the random push ups. However, I now do sets of 20, where I used to do 15. Today I also added 20 ring dips to the mix.

...I know that these things might seem minor to some, but my philosophy is either you're going forward or you're going backwards. So far every time we've repeated a wod I've improved, so it's hard to ask for more then that. However, I want more, and it's starting to bother me that I'm being hesitant to make the choices I need to make in order to keep improving like I have in the past.

I want to become elite, I want to have a sub 5 Fran, I want a 400# deadlift, I want to be able to get 50 double unders in a row, get 5 muscle ups in a row, etc, etc.

Speaking of muscle ups, today I attempted one again, and failed. I've been looking at the vid of me MU'ing for motivation, and tomorrow I am determined to get it again. I don't konw why there's been a month long dry spell when it comes to muscle ups, but the desire to get another one has been amped. I want to do it, I have done it, I will do it again.

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