Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rest day

My goodness I am sore. Seriously, it hurts to laugh or cough, and my pecs are sore to the touch, my lats are starting to feel it as well. Good thing I had planned for today to be a rest day. Also slept for about 11 hours, so I know I got adequate rest. I also plan on getting a massage this week to help with soreness.

One thing I know not to do is to take ibuprofen. I just read a fantastic article from Crossfit Milford, originally posted by crossfit San Francisco, about the effect taking vitamin I. Basically, how Ibuprofen works is that it interferes with inflammation, which is how the body heals itself. As in, repairing muscle tissue you worked so hard to destroy so that it may repair itself to become stronger. So after a long workout if you take some Advil, you will negate any gain you would've made, and probably end up even weaker then before. So whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE IBUPROFEN FOR SORE MUSCLES. Of course, I'm no doctor, so if he/she tells you different obviously do so.

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