Monday, July 13, 2009

Catch up post

Ok, I've been meaning to post about these wod's but didn't find the time.


I did 5 reps of 235 with the back squat, 20#'s more than when we did it a month earlier. Woot.


We worked on cleans. I was really, really dialed in with the first two pulls, but I still need a lot of work on my third pull. I'm willing to bet that once I get a good third pull I'll be cleaning 225 easy

Here is also last friday's wod:

filthy fify:
shoulder strikes @ 16#
wall ball
calorie row
box jump
kb swing
j slamball
ab mat
push up
jumping 6" above reach (double under sub)

time was 44:46. This one was really tough to push through, I have trouble placing importance on every rep when there are so many of them. This is something I need to work on, or else I don't see how I'll improve on long met-con's like this one. Also, I really, really need to improve my double unders.

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