Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bring on the met-con pain

Well, once again I was one of the last ones to finish. ...Or I miscounted and did way more work than required

5 rft
15 push press (95#)
300m row
45 ab mat

My time was 30:10, but I may have done 6 rounds. I lost track, again. Chris started on the push press while I started on the row. He then passed me twice, so when we were both on the push press and he said he was starting his fifth round, I figured I was just about to start my fourth. ...if anyone cares to check if my logic is correct let me know.

I again felt good about this wod. I never stopped and I really focused on the intensity. I think for the first four rounds I never rowed slower than at a 1:40/500m pace. I decided to kip my sit ups after the first two in an effort to up the intensity, to get this wod done faster. Still, I just don't know what I could've done here to get a sub 25 time here, like I just don't know where I could improve.

The push press took some time, I had to break up the last two sets. Turns out my push press is pretty crummy. Chriss told me, "you know you're really stict pressing that right?" Seems that my jump isn't as violent as it should be. This might help further explain my suckage with Fran: I'm really not push pressing the weight.

Regardless, I was very happy when it was over. My shoulders were fried after this. Fried meaning the felt numb/pain again. I iced afterwards, but they still felt tender afterwards. Perhaps I should have this checked out, or just back off on the shoulder exercises.

Tomorrow I see the Orthopedist on my hip. Today I had the MRI, and after looking at it on my own... I have no idea what could be wrong. Just have to wait.

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