Friday, May 15, 2009

Strict Press and Weighted Chins, with a PR

Well, because I didn't work very much yesterday I had to stay late at work. However, when I saw what the workout was, I realized I could do it at the PTO's gym. The Wod:

Strict press
weighted Chins

It was strange doing a xfit wod in a regular gym. It took me forever to find the belt with which to hold weights for the chins, but I eventually got it. I got up to 125# on the fourth round, but when I got up to 130 I failed completely. I'm pretty stoked about this because my previous PR was 116#, and I feel like an increase in shoulder strength will lead to the ability to do handstand push ups. It still impresses me that there are exercises I can't do, like a muscle up or a hspu. I also got up to 59#s on the chins, which I don't believe to be a PR.

Afterwards I worked on dips, they weren't ring dips, but I figured fixed bar dips are better then no dips.

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