Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nicole plus 4

So we did yet another variant of Nicole:

20 min AMRAP
Max Pull ups
400m run

I got 15, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 10 for a total of 83. This is a 14 point improvement over last time and I broke my PR on the fixed bar, if only by 3. I used the re-gripping technique I found a few months ago and that helped greatly. I still haven't mastered a rhythm on the fixed bar though, every once in a while I feel it and everything falls into place, but most of the time I find myself resetting while hanging on the bar, wasting valuable grip time.

I was very happy with the running, I seem to have found a faster sprint/pace with pose style. So glad to be back. Also, very glad to report that there is no discomfort in my shoulder. What. So. Ever.

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