Monday, November 2, 2009

Snatch work (PR) and intensity

So today we worked on the snatch again. The Wod:

5 rounds )(
3 snatch
6 muscle up (6 lou burpees)
9 box jumps

Given that my 1 rep max was 120, I thought to go with 105, but during the warm up I thought to myself, "Why not?" and put it up to 125. I tried it once, and I got it. My original thought was to work on form and to make lighter weight and make each one a squat snatch, but then I just figured to power snatch it all and use heavier weight.

Near the end I really started to find my form with the full hip extension. The weight was actually very light in my hands, so I knew I had to really push myself with everything else. I tried doing a muscle up before the wod, and I've gotten closer than I have in a while, but still no dice, so I did the burpees. I ended up doing this in 11:22, so I'm very glad that I'm starting to find my form. Can't wait to see what my 1 rep max is.

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