Friday, November 6, 2009

Catch up post, Back Squat 3 rep max

Well, Tuesday was a workout I got excited about:

Back Squat

I saw Patrick made it up to 275, and since that was my one rep max I figured I should make that my goal as well. I know I've done 250 five times, so I figured this wasn't an unreasonable goal.

However, there was a small part of me that was intimidated, and I don't know why. Perhaps it's still me getting used to the fact that I'm getting to be very strong. In any case, I got it up to 245 and really pushed to get that. It felt great, I could really feel my hamstrings engage (although it feels like I have trouble getting my glutes involved in back squats and deadlifts). However, when I tried 255 the bar just felt heavy, and when I lowered the weight I went down way too quickly. I ended up going down quickly and then just being stuck in a really low squat. I tried 255 a second time, but once I hit bottom I just didn't have the strength to get it back up. After racking the bar, Jerry commented that I was about three inches below parallel, and after an attempt like that it's hard to recover.

I'm super glad that I got to string two crossfit workouts together, given these past few weeks have been full of traveling and hip injections. I also feel that the fact that I tend to go well below parallel in squats might be an important clue in the mystery that is my hip pain. Perhaps if I didn't lower myself as much, I wouldn't experience as much pain? Regardless, it's been a long time since I've hit the back squat, so I'm not too surprised that I experienced some rust with technique and desentsitazation of lifting really heavy weights.

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