Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wednesday, Heavy Met-con

This wod had muscle ups, and while I'm feeling better and better with my shoulder, I still haven't done dips in like two months. So I decided to do the "pro" version instead of the "elite" version:

15 pull ups, 15 ring dips, 9 front squats (135#), 600m run
12 pull ups, 12 ring dips, 12 front squats (135#), 600m run
9pull ups, 9 ring dips, 15 front squats (135#), 600m run

My time was 29:53.

I'm ok with the time, although I really wish I had a faster run, I just feel really slow. I was also having problems, as usual, with keeping my grip to do extended number of pull ups. I still have issues being able to do more than six pull ups. I know it's my grip and not anything else. For goodness sake, over a year ago I was able to get 27 pull ups in a row on the swinging bars of the blue room. On the last set I ended up pulling myself up hard enough to be able to re-grip the bar in mid air, and i was able to do all nine uninterrupted. I will have to try to remember this little trick because resetting myself for pull ups takes up a lot of time.

The squats were tough, I tried, and succeeded, in keeping a tight core throughout. I took my shirt off in the last round, and that really helped me focus on sucking in my stomach. I also tried very hard to keep mid-line stabilization, but it is very difficult with the pain I experience in my right hip. I see the surgeon, again, this Monday, so we'll see what he says after looking at the MRI with contrast.

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