Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cleans, L-sit, dips

This was an intimidating wod:

10 ROUNDS of 3 Cleans (heavy), 5 L-sit Pullups, 7 Dips

I went "pro" with 135# clean, but the hard part was the L-sit and dips. During the last two rounds I broke down and had to kip up, then do negative L-sits, I also ended up using the floss for the dips on the last two rounds. I decided that using the floss and getting full rom was a much better option than doing half-ass dips without assistance. This is the second time I done dips in like six weeks, so my ego is ok with using the floss. ...I'm not 100% confident that my decision to use the floss was correct since I relied only on intuition, but I plan on trying to look up any source that has an answer.

Another thing with this WOD is I find it very difficult to keep mental focus for that long. Dayna caught me just standing there in front of the barbell. I was in a kind of a daze, and hearing her voice snapped me out of it. I really need to figure a way to push myself through long workouts.

I was DFL again, with a time like 39:23. I really need to walk into these things with a mental game plan, or else I wind up not pushing myself as much as I could.

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