Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cleans three rep max

Thursday was my favorite exercise, so I'm glad I made Wednesday my rest day.

Cleans: 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3

Because of he number of sets, this was more of a skill day. I quickly ramped up to 185 (think like third set) but after the set my shoulder was killing me. I had heard that cleans aggravated tendinitis in the shoulder, but I hadn't remembered any particular time where cleans hurt. After doing a little research, there was at least one time in December where cleans hurt my shoulder.

Sadly, now I have to add cleans onto the list of exercises I can't do right now. Right now that list includes:

muscle ups
perhaps pull ups?

It's a little tough knowing I can't do these for now, but if it's the only way to get better than I'm all for it.

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