Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The wonders of Crossfit: changability

Not sure if that's a real word, but on Monday we had Onion Skin v. 2.0:

5 rounds
2:30 to do max
push press in a row (115#)
and 2:30 to do max
pull ups in a row

With my shoulder I couldn't do either of these exercises, but I talked to Andrea and she came up with a wod just for me.

5 rounds
2:30 to do max
front squat in a row (115#)
and 2:30 to do max
ring rows in a row

Ring rows don't aggravate Andrea's shoulder, and she has the same injury I have (torn supraspinatus) , so we figured I should try it out.

Front squats until you can't do anymore suck, really is a mental game and I tried to push myself as much as I could. I think I ended up with something like 57 reps for the whole workout. I was still weary with the ring rows, so I stopped after doing 10 of them each time (actually fatigued out at 7 on one round for a total of 47).

I was concerned that this wod was going to be worthless, but instead it was a great workout, gotta have faith in the crossfit!

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