Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday improv workout

Well, I woke up at about 9:45 today, threw on some clothes, and then stepped outside, only to find that my car was missing. Knowing that one of my roomates, Quinton, has threatened to park my car some distance away, I wander around a bit looking for it while texting him. He texted back that he had borrowed my car (the last one in the driveway) to get to the store. This would've been fine if he had left keys for me to use his car, but that wasn't the case. I told him to come back right away, but he didn't get back to the house until 10:35, way too late to attend the saturday class.

Looks like I'll never be able to make a saturday class.

Anyway, I looked up what the wod was for today, and then I went to the PTO gym to attempt to do it on my own. I tried out the chin up bar, but it was teflon coated super slippery. I decided to sub out the pullups with dips, so this is what my WOD looked like:

800m run, 30 power cleans (90#). 30 dips
800m run, 20, 20
800m run, 10, 10

Time was somewhere around 40 minutes, although it was hard to tell with the gym clocks.

Turns out my workout was a LOT easier than the official CFOT workout, which was this:

"Easier than Badger"
800m run, 30 power cleans (135#). 30 pull ups, 30 burbees
800m run, 20, 20, 20
800m run, 10, 10 10

Totally forgot about the burbees, and I guessed completely wrong on the weight for the power cleans. I imagine my time would have been substantially higher with 135#, because with 90 I could get away with using my back for the touch-and-go part.

Regardless, i'm happy I worked out today despite missing the class.

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