Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thursday's circuit

I was happy with today's WOD, in that I thought I could only slightly modified.

5 rft
9 toes to bar
12 push press
15 pushups
run 400m

I subbed ring pulls (I don't know what they're called) for push ups. They're the exact opposite of push ups, where I form a plank with my heels on the ground and pull myself up to the rings.

I again was dead, dead last at a time of 31:43. I look back and I think about why I take so long, and I simply took lots of little brakes. Even with the first set of ring pulls, I had to break them up into sets of 5 or 3 reps. My first round took a little over four minutes, so I was on pace for a 20 min wod, but my strength just gave out. ...Again, I wonder if my slow time is due to a lack of mental focus/fortitude. I simply don't know, it's easy to tell I'm becoming much stronger, but it's a lot harder to tell if I'm improving in met-con since we almost never do the same WOD twice. Regardless, the feeling that I'm not improving galvanizes my resolve to work on my focus so I may push through what I think my limits are to find out what my real limits are.

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