Sunday, August 2, 2009

The mother of rest days

So I was planning on going out last night, and instead I fell asleep at around 6pm, and woke up at 6am. Then, I fell asleep on the couch at around 12 and woke up at 6. So I've slept for 18 hours in the past 24 hours, looks like I was pretty worn out.

Just sent out an email asking to participate in the Mid-Atlantic Hopper Challenge. I'm really, really nervous about this, like I can see myself being last in the met-con, or the wod is muscle ups or handstand push ups. In any case, training for this, and participating, should be exciting.


Adam said...

Just got a response, looks like they're full. I signed up to be on the waiting list though, so who knows what will happen.

Sean said...

"If peeing in your pants is cool then consider me 'Miles Davis!'"

~Billy Madison