Tuesday, February 10, 2009

back in action.... kind of

Well, went into the gym on Mon and did Tabata Something else; something light since I'm still unsure about the back.

20s amrap, 10s rest
8 X pullups
8 X pushups
8 X sit ups
8 X airsquats

I have no idea what my score was, I couldn't keep track since there wasn't any pen/paper to be had. It was good to be back, Jerry's got an essentials class going on now, thing was huge, like 20 people. Working out with the VFF's is pretty strange, when I land from the pull ups I have to make sure to land on the balls of my feet.

The day after the back felt.. not quite right, so I took today off. Also, I'm getting sorer by the minute. It's good to be back.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Ah... good to feel sore again isn't it?! Funny how you actually MISS that when you take time away and curse it when it occurs on a pretty routine basis... ;)