Thursday, January 22, 2009

Three wods in one post,

Here's the video of the power hang clean. I can totally see how I've hurt my back. I keep thinking that the small rounding of my back isn't there, I keep thinking that my back is arched in the good way. Ugh, I need to work on this big time

Tuesday was another DL day, and this time I was pro-active in asking for a sub.

5 rounds
20 KB high pulls
20 box jump
30 ab mat

time was 18:51. I'm not sure if the KBHP's were the best for my back, but I didn't notice any added aggravation.

Wednesday was Onion skin, where I scored 5 better on PU's and 5 better on the press when compared to last time.

Strict press: 12 10 7 6 8
Pull ups: 25 13 12 13 11

we had 5 min for each round total, so 2:30 for strict, 2:30 for PU's. I was soooo hoping to get 30 pu's but that 25th was really, really hard, I was surprised.

And now for Today, Thursday:

5 minutes for each round
550m row
arap slamballs
1:00m rest
550m row
arap kb swings
1:00m rest
550m row
arap air squats
1:00m rest
550m row
arap jumping squats

The Rx'd was to do 400m runs, but my ankle would not have been happy with me.

Speaking of the injured ankle, I feel like an old man today. Something's torn in my ankle, my back is still strained, and my hip feels like it's on fire. Tomorrow I go to the DO for the hip, and on Monday I will see the Orthopedist for the ankle. I am really unhappy at the idea of having so many problems, and that I will have to probably scale these workouts down by quite a bit. Especially with the back, I'm not exactly sure what sets it off, but one of the exercises today did a doosey on my lower back. I think I might have to give it a couple days of rest, and see if it improves. Argh, I'm going to have scale back workouts for a while now, but I'm not sure what or how.

On a more random note, looking forward to moving into the new gym, should be awesome.

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