Thursday, January 15, 2009

Met-con Ninja

I thought about doing this with a weight vest on, but after talking to Chriss I learned this WOD is about speed.

10 rounds
10 pull ups
10 medball squat cleans
10 box jumps

Near the end I wasn't sure if I was on round 9 or 10, but since everyone else was still working out I assumed it was 9. Time was 25:40, and I enjoyed this workout because I was able to pick up on a lack of motivation and attempted to push through it. The box jumps agitated my ankle some, so I always stepped off the box instead of jumping down. The pull ups were easy until around set 8, when suddenly there was a huge knot in my stomach, felt like all of my core muscles were twisting upon themselves, and it slowed me down a bit. Chriss commented that my medball squat cleans looked really good, and I was proud of that. There were times where my form wasn't very good, where I shrugged the ball so high that I barely had to lower myself to get under it, giving my legs a break. Chriss caught me doing this once and made me do it over again. I didn't mind. This goes back to my issue of when is it ok to have form break down a little. Form is important, but it is also important to up the intensity of the workout, and if you concentrate of form your intensity will go down.

The way I see it, the idea is that one should work on form to the point where your muscles have memorized the movement to the point that you don't have to think about it, and can concentrate on upping the intensity. I think I'm starting to get to that point with some movements (push jerk, burbee, deadlift), and have already reached that point with others (overhead snatch, pull-ups, medball squat clean).

I'm still having some issues finding motivation for these kinds of workouts. I seem to do best when I have a good idea of my previous performance and try to beat that, e.g. my sucess with pullups, strict press max, etc. However, since a lot of these wod's are unlike any other one, I just have to push myself as hard as I can. This doesn't seem to work too well, since I don't have a goal other than "do your best". I'm thinking I should start setting goals before the workout, like, "I'll do this in under 25 minutes" or somethings like that.

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