Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Power clean, new pr

this was 7 sets of 1 rep power clean. My hang power clean was 185, but this was from the floor, so it was a little harder.

155, 165, 175, 185, 185, 185, 190

I have the strength to do more, but I am having a dickens of a time getting under the bar. I'm naturally trying to sugar foot it, meaning I try to do a split power clean. Jerry has a vid of my second attempt at 185, in it you can see that I'm bending my arms early, meaning I'm trying to use my arms rather than my traps and hips to hoist the bar up. You can also see me step back with my right foot, which didn't help. The bar crashes into me and pushes me back slightly, causing me to abort and push the bar away as I fall backwards. It's pretty sweet seeing the attempt, actually.

I'm glad I kept trying and eventually got it, and then went a little farther to get the new pr.

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