Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just got back from the Chiropractor

Dr. Bills commented on how much looser my hips are feeling. However, my right hip abducters (sp?) were tight enough to warrant a started "Whoa" from the doc. I don't think Olga has worked on these, so I will try to remember this for next time. Regardless, doc commented that my flexibility and the tightness of my muscles have greatly improved. Given that this is only have two weeks, it's very, very positive feedback.

He also commented that my left shoulder was all kinds of jacked up, but he put everything back in place so everything should be good now. It wasn't tendonitis but the collerbone and ribs were out of alignment.

...I can't help but notice the fight to become and stay healthy is super expensive. I don't enjoy spending money, I inherited some of my fathers frugality (the man simply does not fing any joy in buying new things), but I'm not buying some tangible thing, I'm buying my health. Instead of getting some temporary high from buying a big screen TV or new clothes, this is something that will last me the rest of my life, and truely improve the quality of it. I'm very, very thankful that I'm in a position to both attend and afford crossfit, as well as the treatments for the various ailments that come along my way. I feel like I'm healthy and experienced enough now to warrant giving back to the community, so my new year's resolution is to find a level I cert and attend it.

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